Saturday, September 09, 2006

Who Could Ask for Anything More?

Today, another visit to my hairstylist, Crazy J. I know, I know. I complained about the length of my hair after my last cut, so one might wonder why I'm going back six weeks later. But I wanted it to grow out a little before Jenn's wedding, and I knew if I just let it go until right before the wedding, it would be ratty mess. Besides, what better way to start your Saturday than with a hilarious gay man who tells you how fabulous you are? I mentioned the wedding, and he said he was going to do a little showing off so that whoever did my hair for the wedding would be impressed with his "technique." I love that my trim took an hour and a half and that he insisted that today was a day for rock star style. I'm convinced that it's impossible to leave his chair without feeling like I should be headed for Vogue. So I say again, who could ask for anything more?

2 cat calls:

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome! I'm jealous that you have a fabulous gay man to cut your hair. My stylist is great, but she is neither gay nor male. Having a gay stylist like yours would probably make my whole life.

ashley said...

I don't know what it is about Crazy J., but I just adore him. Yesterday he was wearing a t-shirt with a man riding a hog (literally) and a Peterbilt belt buckle. He's just so endearing. And he makes me feel like I'm fabulous. I told him that new Sunsilk commercial that says "Get Hair-apy" makes me think of him - he's my "hair-apy"!