Saturday, September 09, 2006

Stacks & the City

Today I decided to walk down to the library to pick up a few books. I love being in a library, walking up and down the rows of books, checking their spines and admiring cover artwork. The smell of pages. The comforting silence. Today was no different, and I only wished I'd given myself more time instead of having to head to the desk 30 minutes before closing time.

On the way home, I was thinking about the city. I complain about it from time to time, but on days like today, I realize how much I like it. It was one of those days that's still summer but trying to be autumn. I can't wait for the cold breeze to start blowing up from the river. And just this morning, I was talking to Crazy J. about how many lovely porches there are in the city. Cobblestone streets. Church spires. An admirable skyline. I love seeing the columns on City Hall and the clock tower of the old courthouase as I cross Third Street.

Inspired by all that, I sat on my back porch this afternoon in one of the rockers and read a book from cover to cover. I left the door open so Kudzu could come out and chew on some of the vines that creep up the wrought iron. At particular moments, the huge air conditioner that cools the county building across the street would slow to a stop and the traffic noise would quiet and I could hear the breeze and the leaves rustling and, later in the evening, the crickets. And all in all, it was a fabulous Saturday.

4 cat calls:

penelope said...

Nice... I've been on a library kick as well. It's like a fantastic rediscovery I feel everyone should know about: you can take out and read books for FREE. Who knew?

ashley said...

It's kind of amazing, isn't it? I mean, all those books in B&N are $18-$25 each, and at the library, they just let you have them. (Although I did have a sort of embarassing late fee that I had to walk back to my house and get money to pay before they'd let me check out anything else.)

Heather said...

Just stumbled upon your blog - nice post. I love the musty, papery smell of a library too. Can't get enough.

Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely. I also enjoyed reading a library book this weekend, though it would have been even more fabulous to have read my book on a porch like yours!