I stumbled across an old PSA from the 80s the other day featuring the lovable O.G. Readmore. This literate cat admonished us kids to pick up a book during Saturday morning cartoons. And I did read as a kid - and was usually one of the first to meet all the requirements of Book-It or the library summer reading program.
My tendency to want to read has waxed and waned through college and grad school when it became a chore. But before that, I read voraciously, sometimes reading 100 books during the summer. Of late, I've picked up the habit again and have wanted to do nothing but read the past couple of weekends. I just finished up a trilogy of books - although admittedly I accidentally read the third one first. After a hiatus from reading, I'd forgotten what it was like to get so lost in a book that you forget where you are. That the peal of siren or the ring of the phone can jar you back to reality and you find yourself surprised that you're not in the Colorado territory circa 1880.And I'd forgotten how sad it can sometimes be to finish a good book like that - the disappointment of bidding adieu to all the characters in the neat little world that you've inhabited for some hours. I always thought that the end of The Princess Bride characterized that well. Fred Savage looking at Peter Falk and asking "Can we read it again tomorrow, Grandpa?" I'd love to read again tomorrow. But as I told J., I'll be knee-deep in my own filth if I don't clean this house.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Once Upon a Time
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4 cat calls:
Yes, books! I too have recently rediscovered the magic of books. My biggest problem is the same old, though, where I'm on a roll with a few really great books, and then stumble on a book I'm not jiving with as much. So then I go back to Sex & the City for awhile. Part of me wants to ditch the book in the middle for a new one in hopes that it will be better, and the other part me says I should stick it out to the end. What to do, what to do.
I have reached a point in my life where I have very little patience for books that don't seem to engage me. It's just extra disappointing when you get to the next book...you think, "I could've been here sooner!" Although I also sometimes get a "finish what you started" complex. Thanks to Mom and Dad, who never let me quit ANYTHING growing up.
I, too, am suddenly back into Voracious Reader Mode, which I fell out of after grad school (magazines! Bring me only magazines, and things that will rot my mind!). I just finished "Special Topics in Calamity Physics" (the hipster's "A Secret History") and am now onto "The Black Dahlia."
By the way, what do you think the O.G. in O.G. Readmore stood for? I like to think it was "Original Gangsta."
I'm still building up steam for reading books after just finishing grad school, but I'm quickly getting there. I haven't been zipping through novels, but I've been reading them here and there, and I look forward to future days when I spend an entire weekend reading a book from cover to cover. Those are the best!
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