Saturday, September 23, 2006

By Google

With Sitemeter, you can keep a check on how many folks are visiting your blog, how they got here and how long they stayed. For those of you a bit paranoid about Blog Brother, never fear. It doesn't give your lattitude and longitude. Just the city.

As for the getting here, most of my readers are recognizable by city or referring link. For example, I'm guessing Nik is making up the bulk of my Australian readership at the moment. I get traffic from others in the little ring o' blogs linked up to the right. But the occasional Google search that dumps people to my blog sometimes cracks me up. Readers have found their way to the k.j. by googling the following:

* Vanessa Manillo
* Strange but True
* John Mayer Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
* Why you gotta be so mean to me
* Pussycat Dolls are Men

and my favorite: Here are my boobs. Bet they were disappointed.

3 cat calls:

ashley said...

Incidentally, someone found my blog just today by googling "it's called who'll die miserable." Hmm. Wonder what prompted that google search...

Kim said...

Dammit, how come no one ever finds my blog by googling anything other than "Tiffany Van Demark"?

HA! By posting that comment, people will surely now be finding YOUR blog by Googling her, too! BWAH HA HA!

Kim said...

Oh, gross. I just went and checked mine out to see if there were any new Google searches, and there was one for "unwilling bitches."

Gross. Gross. Gross.