It's almost are the things I've thought about today:
1) Taking a walk (but not taking one)
2) The gay man at the office came out yesterday - and admitted that he doesn't love my haircut. I'm officially growing it out.
3) How long it will take my hair to grow back out
4) Going to the grocery store (but not going)
5) Sadness over the plate I knocked to the floor off the couch arm and broke into several sadly irreparable pieces
6)How everything in my house that is edible seems to be stale
7) Having seen two drunk college students almost have sex on Front Street last night between the post office and a lunch-only cafe called Betty B's
8) Amusement at Kudzu's new habit of laying on the window sill and sleeping with his face smashed up against the pain or the frame
9) How wonderful it is, sometimes, to have not talked to anyone all day
10) Going to the library to get a book on tape to listen to while cleaning (and not doing either)
11) My hair looks best on Saturdays when no one is going to see it
12) That if I put all the things back in the corner where the ceiling leaked, someone will show up to spackle, paint and sand the ceiling - all over my stuff
13) Why the new Killers album isn't coming out until October
14) How to lose 12 pounds before I have to wear a bridesmaid dress without really trying (or giving up chips, cookies and ice cream)
15) Why I can find time to blog, make my way through 96 episdoes of S&TC, eat, drink, sleep, work, and make a gigantic mess of my apartment, but I can't find time to read a book
16) That I kind of missed taking the new car for a drive today while I was busy staying in
17) Sometimes Kudzu knows just when to come and get in my lap
18) Where to get to dinner from (refrigerator not included)
19) Whether or not I should start the 6-hour Pride & Prejudice, which I suddenly have a yen to do
20) The list of things I should be doing is growing longer the longer I sit on this couch and blog
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thoughts for Saturday
Posted by
7:30 PM
More thoughts on Hair, Housekeeping, Jane Austen, Kudzu, Laziness, Library, Lists, Pride and Prejudice, Procrastination, Sex and the City, STGD, The Killers, Uncelebrity Fit Club
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3 cat calls:
I had a day kind of like that yesterday. There were a lot of things I was supposed to be doing (namely, continuing to look for a full-time job!), but instead I ended up watching "Sex and the City," laying around, and not getting dressed until 6:00 (and only because I had plans with friends at 7:30). I feel a little panicked now when I look at my "to do" list, but I must admit that yesterday was a very nice day. I've finally just accepted the fact that procrastination is probably a lifelong habit for me.
My thought list was more about seals and dolphins- but sadly no unicorns.
I would like to know why the Killers won't be out until Oct, too. Or if that's the case, why couldn't they have told us like, a week or two before, rather than a whole month and a half (or more).
Also, I'm working on a new theory that supports watching certain TV series several times, and how each time, you're actually getting smarter, picking up on new things and analyzing the whole construction of the show and its characters and the story arc on a deeper level.
P.S. Currently watching: Season 4, Disc 1.
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