Monday, August 21, 2006

Yard Art Update

I couldn't help checking out my favorite yard-art infested property on Hwy. 74 today. And while I thought the polar bear on the ice flow was the show-stopper of yard art, that was before I saw the unicorn suspended on wires and flying around the edge of the pond. I kid you not. It was very...Lisa Frank of them.

4 cat calls:

Anonymous said...

Lisa Frank stickers on my notebook in fifth grade. . . fine. Decorating a yard with Lisa Frank. . . so not okay. I only wish I could see that!

ashley said...

Some time soon, I'm going to stop and take a picture. Words just don't quite do it justice. It's really a sight to behold.

Kim said...

Yeah, why ARE there no pictures? I view this as a travesty. It is your Blog-nation DUTY to provide us with this!

Let's go look at it in ten days. TEN!!

ashley said...

Oooh, you WILL get to see it! You'll pass it on your way into town! It'll be on your left. I'll give you detailed instructions on where you may view this atrocity so that you can back me up on its existence.