Saturday, August 05, 2006

Everybody Loves Puppies

These fuzzy little guys are the newest additions to the family. My sister and her husband picked them up this morning. Meet Zeke (the cherubic chubby one) and Eli (the bent-eared mischievious one). I'm sad that I wasn't at home to see them this weekend, but I'm sure I'll get my hands on the fuzzballs before too long. Aren't they cute?

5 cat calls:

penelope said...

awwww! so cute!

Kim said...

They ARE cute, but I am confused by them. How do they tell them apart? You claim one has a bent ear, but this claim is a FALLACY, based on my viewing of the pictures!


Kim said...

Oh, wait, I see it now. Never mind.

ashley said...

I talked to Mom today, and she says that Zeke is a snuggler, and Eli is very a very cute way. My sister said she found him asleep inside a shoe this morning. A boy after my own heart!

Anonymous said...

They are SO adorable! I'm glad that they have some new additions to their family!