Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy Left-Handers Day!

Happy Left-Handers Day to all my fellow lefties! Even though the translation from most languages for the word left comes out as "ugly", "awkward", or "clumsy" - and apparently in Australia means "having fists like a girl" - we lefthanders are sometimes surprisingly artistic and creative. In our company are Sarah Jessica Parker, Judy Garland, Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe, Gary Oldman, Cary Grant, Fred Astaire, Jerry Seinfeld, Billy the Kid, Jack the Ripper, Prince William and, according to the official Left Handers Club site, Chewbacca. Hooray for lefties!

6 cat calls:

Kim said...

Lefties are nifties! (I know that doesn't really rhyme, but while lefties ARE nifty, they are not known for their rhyming prowess. Which is okay, because as creative pioneers, we would write free verse, anyway.)

ashley said...

Maybe not rhyming, but I am known for elbowing right-handers at the dinner table.

Anonymous said...

I always wished I was a lefty because they seemed special. I even tried to train myself to be one at one point-- then a left-handed boy named Evan Bates refused to sit next to me in the third grade because he claimed our elbows would bump even though he never complained of bumping elbows with his pretty, right-handed, former neighbor, Stephanie DAndrea. I realized then that lefties are just like everybody else. Sigh.

mendacious said...

but are they really like everyone else- lets go back to the old days where they were shamed and derided for being "different"

ashley said...

Hey, hey, hey! I am entertaining and lovable! You don't want to condemn me as a witch just because I'm a lefty, do you? Oh, wait! If I'm a witch, do I get to go to Hogwarts?

penelope said...

I so want to go to Hogwarts.

My mother told me that in Catholic School, you weren't allowed to be left-handed, that they beat it out of you. She also said all the nuns are now quite, um, toasty in the afterlife.