Monday, October 09, 2006

Return of the Sad Mac

Okay, so I got the Sad Mac back about a week ago, but today was the first day I had free to get it hooked up and reloaded with software. The technician called me late in the game to let me know he had been able to recover some documents. Just some. I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up. In 12 recovery attempts, the following was restored to my computer:

* Photos of horses that were tacked on to a client photo shoot by the photographer. The horses didn't even belong to the client.

* An ad from last year's Azalea Festival

* The Garden State Soundtrack

* A single photo from a recent golf course event

* A series of .docs that are incomprehensible gobbledy-gook

* Four photos of Kudzu

* Nothing at all relevant to my job

6 cat calls:

Anonymous said...

i'm still willing to attempt a little hoo-doo on the old drive, if they sent it back...

ashley said...

I don't think they did. And actually the new drive makes this horrible chugging sound. It's kind of sad. Like it's not really my computer anymore. It's got amnesia!

penelope said...

How random! It did make good material for a blog, however.

Glass half full?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that of all the things that were recovered, THAT's what was saved! After all, who doesn't need a good horse photo?

ashley said...

It's funny, too, because in the end, you realize that it doesn't really matter anyway. We recreated our time, and I've gotten the files I needed from someone else. It's like the worst thing that could happen at work, but I lived to tell the tale.

mendacious said...

who needs relevant when you have the garden state soundtrack surviving oblivion- it's a perfect statement about screaming into an abyss- your mac knew what it was doing... but i wonder what.