Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sexiest Man Alive: 1790

I have a page-a-day calendar on my desk at work that offers a Jeopardy-esque trivia question each day. Today's is

Q: After which of the U.S.'s Founding Fathers did Martha Washington name an amorous tomcat?

A: Alexander Hamilton, who had a reputation as a ladies' man. The very first First Lady dubbed the house cat at Revolutionary Army headquarters "Hamilton"

I looked up dear old Alex to remind myself what he looked like. Hmm. I'm not sure I see the attraction. But in 200 years, I fully expect women to look at Mick Jagger and wonder what women were thinking. Maybe I just have a block against Alexander because I once sent out a press release in which I stated he was a former president - based entirely on the fact that he's on the $10 bill. In my defense, I would like to say two people in my office and the client okayed the release. But just for the record - never assume someone was president just because you paid for a movie ticket with his face.

4 cat calls:

ashley said...

The more I look at this picture, the more I think he kind of looks like John Cusack...

Anonymous said...

I went to his namesake's school and in front of the chapel there was a statue of him. We would always make fun of it because he had a gigantic bulge. Now it make sense...

Kim said...

Anyone who's ever seen the fantastic movie musical "1776" knows that John Adams (as portrayed with shiny, shiny hair by William Daniels) was the sexiest man alive in 1790. Or at least in 1776. Maybe he hit the wall shortly thereafter.

Andria said...

Yes, John Cusack! I was thinking he looked a little like Charlie Sheen and someone else. .and I come read your comment and you nailed it! funny.