Sunday, January 28, 2007


A little PSA about the contents of your refrigerator:

* Hot dogs should never be gray. Or shriveled like raisins.

* Pineapple, by the same token, should never be blue. Or smell like really awful liquor.

* And peaches should not be black.

* Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale is UNdrinkable.

For your own safety and well-being, please consult your own refrigerator for conditions such as these. Any combination of the above listed items in your refridgerator may require a call to the EPA.

6 cat calls:

Andria said...

Girl, as much as you seem to clean out your fridge, I'm just amazed you still find these contents!

I guess it helps that I have Greg - the king of leftovers. But add in Dellaina and all of the different things we open for her to try (unsuccessfully) and we've got quite the unidentifiables lurking as well.

ashley said...

It only takes a month or so to accrue some pretty atrocious stuff.

Niki said...

Ok, this is really gross, but I can get points for both commenting here and commenting for the unknown things about myself: I kind of love to watch the mold grow on leftovers, sort of like a 5th grade science experiment. I mean really, where does that stuff come from? Because it sure ain't Earthly.

The smell, though, gross gross gross. More than a few tupperware containers have been thrown away for fear of touching the contents.

Anonymous said...

what if you live abroad? any ideas on who to call for said situations? things are slightly different of course over here: olives that look like raisins, rabbits that may or may not have been skinned well, octopi that thrived in spring, a lot of small items swimming in olive oil and vinegar. i just can´t make a move without my wife around and hoped you might help.



ashley said...

Eli, my friend, international jurisdiction over refrigerator disasters is a mystery to me. I can tell you that gloves are essential. Whatever you do, don't touch anything with your bare hand.

Kim said...

First off, there would never BE any rabbits in my fridge, well-skinned or otherwise.

But seriously, can I just share that cleaning out the fridge is a food-phobe's worst nightmare? Like when I tried to pick up this seemingly okay cucumber? And it just squished into a pulp at my very touch? Ewwwwwww!