Saturday, November 03, 2007


One Week Later, I am a jellyfish. A soft translucent membrane, weightless in cool indigo water. I ascend slowly and concentrate on the movement of air and water: in and out, in and out. Sound is a thick murmur. Light is a quick flicker.

Below me trail tentacles, streamers of sensation and feeling. They dangle quietly, waiting. I have finally gathered these moments of tranquility, but there is still the threat that, though hanging idle, those tentacles will tangle with some mysterious something, electrify and strike.

5 cat calls:

Cue said...

Well said.

Andria said...

you make even misery and struggling sound beautiful and poetic. Hope it's at least cathartic to write about it. . .

mendacious said...

thats a fantastic "today"...

if i were currently in the ocean i would be an anenome. i want the current to move me but i want to stay firmly attached to my rock. i am tourquoise.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post. You have such a way of saying things!

ashley said...

Thank you, ladies. I suppose creativity is a worthy consolation prize for my current circumstances.