I have never seen Martha's Karaoke Lounge more crowded that it was last night. On top of singing in front of all my coworkers, it was a packed house. My nerves got to me a little bit - not that I had a chance of belting out anything short of a well-intentioned tone-deaf 2 minutes and 40 seconds. I think my performance was summed up best by Shawn, who said, "You were just as bad as you said you'd be." Thanks to Lindsay for capturing me in all my horrible glory.
4 cat calls:
That photo needs a caption, sister.
Also needed: a brief overview of the clientele that night at Martha's?
I'll leave it up to my kind readers to provide an appropriate caption.
As for the clientele, I must confess, it was very lesbian oriented. Lots of gal mullets. And Rob, the guy who wears a big black hat and often sings "Strokin'" was there wearing a belt buckle with a scrolling display that said "Have a fun & safe Festival Weekend." And Mimi was there, although she didn't sing her typical Patsy Cline. There was also a very intoxicated, very tall man, named Ray who insisted on singing Sinatra.
I am sorry to report our favorite "Baby Got Back" DJ was not manning the booth last night. Which could be the reason that Deb & I were never called to sing "Delta Dawn." Or it could be that my "9 to 5" was so bad, they wouldn't let me back up there.
Wow! You really went for it, Ash! Looks like a blast.
It's so sad that I can't post pictures in the comments section, or I could show you The Many Faces of Ashley Singing Nine To Five. They all look a lot like that face, though, so it's all good.
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