Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Phoenix Extended

I made Susan and Shawn watch this three times at the office today. I may or may not have watched it twice before they came in. Is it just me or are the Potter movies getting more delicious as they go along? I mean, this looks action-packed, drama-filled, and...well, Susan and I agreed that Ron is so lovable. Check it out here - or see it before Spider Man 3 in theaters May 5.

5 cat calls:

Niki said...

Cannot wait!

Anonymous said...

I literally screamed with delight and anticipation after watching this. . . I CANNOT WAIT! It's going to be so awesome, and with the last book coming out only a week later, I don't know how I'm going to contain myself.

mendacious said...


Andria said...

wow, that looks really good! They are so grown up! *sigh

ashley said...

I don't know why, but it really enhances the "tingle factor" for me that they always close the trailer with that light, eerie version of Hedwig's Theme. It's like...ooooh.