When I arrived at Eva & Justin's house last week, I interrupted play group. This means that I walked into the kitchen filled with four mothers and six children. Eva had warned me, knowing that there's no love lost between me and other people's children.
I was handling it pretty well, seeking refuge at one end of the kitchen table and trying to make polite conversation and keep up with talk of Exersaucers and Johnny Jump Ups. Eva had just finished feeding Dillon and handed him off to me to take one of the other mothers to see a project she'd been working on. He fussed, and I checked his diaper and confirmed that it was wet. I said as much aloud.
That's when one of the mommies totally overstepped bounds. In this voice one would use to speak to a child, she said, "Since Auntie Ashley is holding Dillon, will she change the diaper?"
In my head, I turned to her and said, "Don't patronize me or I will cut you." But in real life, I simply gathered Dillon up and headed off to change him. And she followed me. Standing over my shoulder, she cooed to her own infant, as though giving her approval, "Look at Auntie Ashley go!"
I held my temper in check, but I was so enraged that I couldn't quite get over it. What was it about this woman's ridiculous behavior that had me itching to lash out at her? Perhaps it was due in part to facing one of those moments when I felt more Bridget Jones-esque than ever, surrounded by the Mom Squad with their infants and toddlers, and me wondering if they were feeling sorry for me or thinking "tick tock, tick tock." But more than that - because I didn't feel this Hulkish rage toward anyone else - I think it was her condescension to insinuate that I would be too squeamish or too inept to change a diaper. And no disrespect to the moms out there, but rocket science it ain't.
I couldn't help thinking about the book I blogged about recently that called women on the carpet for being stay-at-home moms. In that moment, I found myself faced with the complete opposite opinion - someone who thought that they could talk down to me, treat me like a child, because I am unmarried and childless. I was angry at the woman, and I was angry at myself because, what does her judgment matter to me? She isn't someone I know, and certainly (after this) someone I respect. Why should I allow her to make me feel so inadequate about myself? It was dispicable, really.
But there, with her cooing her baby-talk commentary, I seriously considered punching her in the mouth. And I'm pretty sure I'd have been sent to timeout.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Them's Fightin' Words
Posted by
10:53 PM
More thoughts on All Riled Up, Anger Management, Baby, Bridget Jones, Eva, Judgment, Naked Insecurity
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8 cat calls:
Ugggggh. That one deserves a good kick in the teeth.
The thing is, I think it actually gets worse when it's your own baby. I've had woman--of all ages, mind--chastise me passive aggressively through K.Lo for not putting a sweater on her in the grocery store, not holding her properly, etc. "Tell your mommy she needs to such-and-such!" Puh-lease. Makes my boil, and I know it shouldn't. But, how rude!!
Blood boil, that is.
It's like you should have said to her baby, very sweetly of course, "Did anyone ever tell your Mommy she needs to mind her own business?"
You're right, Pen. It was like she was using her child to patronize me. And there was something about it that made me feel like she'd just been waiting for an opportunity to make me feel stupid.
I told Justin about the incident later, saying that she rubbed me the wrong way up one side and down the other. He said he regularly imagines punching her. At least it's not just me.
wow. what an ugly woman she was to you! unwanted advice and babies go hand-in-hand. it's a shame. don't think all mommies that stay at home are like that- but honestly there are a few more like that out there- i encounter them as well. you are a wonderful auntie- and i need advice on diapering little boys- i know i'll be at a loss in august!
Advice for Laura...My sister (mother of three boys) always says..."You gotta cover that thing up as fast as possible" or you'll get sprayed. All of my newborn nephews have used me for target practice once or twice during a diaper change.
As for Ashley...That woman's a twit. Maybe she's jealous. Maybe she doesn't have anyone around to lend her a hand. Who would want to hang around and help someone who talked like that.
Dillon is a lucky boy to have you as an aunt.
Ugh, how awful. She sounds like a true nightmare. I wish Dillon had aimed right for her and peed in her face. That would have been awesome.
Obviously this woman was hoping that you were just a pretty face with a hot bod. Hell yeah for showing her what's what!!
And kudos to you for biting your tongue - I don't think I would have! :)
oooo! i'd cut her too! damn.
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