Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ashBay: Get It While It's Hot!

A late comment (and blog debut) by my cosmic twin STGD on last week's post about the office revealed that one Ashleypalooza t-shirt is up for grabs, pictured here. As described by STGD:

It is unworn. Size large. A heavenly golden toned ringer tee. Contrasting dark green neck and arm bands really set it apart from your ordinary T. The screen printing is in a matte black. Really quite fetching.

This might be your only chance to own this limited edition t-shirt featuring yours truly. It was STGD's idea to auction it off on the blog. So...if you want it, put your bid in the comments section. And by bid, I mean, tell us why you want it, need it, have to have it, and why we should give it to you. STGD will be the judge - what he says goes, since he is the mastermind behind the design. Winner will be announced on the blog Friday.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the bidding is open.

9 cat calls:

hat said...

Oooh... Lovely tee, Ash. But, I feel unworthy.

laura said...

why do i need/have to have this shirt?? to introduce myself, I am one of the "oak hill girls". a friend of ashley's since B.C. days. i am the mother of 2 little girls (one "almost 5", and one 17 months) and i am expecting our first boy, Sam, in August. so, i don't have a lot of "fun" clothes right now. mostly frumpy and leftover maternity from the last 6 years of my life in which i have either been pregnant or nursing - i need some excitment! even as i type this, i am wrestling a very small set of fingers who want to help me with my post. of course, i'm sure there are most worthy admirers of this shirt... but i bet my belly could stretch ash out to amazing proportions (i promise a picture modeling this)which would wow and amaze everyone. (really i want it for post-baby, but i will try it out with Sam in utero for the shock value)

penelope said...

wow, that's a pretty good bid. i too feel unworthy at the moment.

Andria said...

I concur, very convincing argument using lots of key elements like 'kids' and 'pregnancy' and wardrobe needs. I think she must have entered some makeover contests before? I guess I could throw my hat in the ring by claiming I am one of the O.C. girls, who's known Ashley since middle school, through high school AND Berry. I could offer up old school stories. And PICTURES. I could, but that might be too enticing and I'd hate to deny such a worthy fellow competitor. I also might add that I, too, have a 17 month old and an expanding belly and desperately sad wardrobe, if I were really going to try to win. And I'd throw in the eternal, "I've never won anything in my life" statement that must accompany all such entries and promise to reiterate it again and again should I actually be chosen to win. If I were really entering, that is. Mostly, I just love seeing the screen image of Ashley with a tatt! And that her finer assets which have given her such notoriety transfer so well. That's reward enough for me.

laura said...

wow. tough competition. ashley- you should feel extremely famous right now that so many people want to display your beautiful face- and your tattoo (what would vesta say!?)i must say, though, i am quite unworthy of said shirt- and confession... i actually have won something in my life- carpet cleaning for one room in my house (at the fair here in tx) before i had kids- which i should have saved to redeem now, but alas, i didn't.

ashley said...

Everyone is worthy! Seriously, folks. You are worthy to wear my heaving bosoms on your own. ;)

Kim said...

I have to say, this is some pretty stiff competition. I can't really compete, but what if I promise, promise, promise to wear it to my rehearsal dinner?

(Sadly, my mother will quickly negate this promise. But I will weep bitter tears over it.)

Maybe instead, I'll commission STGD to make a new shirt of you tap-dancing at my wedding?

Come on, just give me the shirt! I beg of you!

Ruby said...

What the hell. I'll throw my name in too!

As Ashley's assets have become subject here, I will offer up the fact that I am asset-ier. What's better than assets upon assets?!

Note: As a busty gal, I generally do not wear high neck shirts since it's never very flattering. But I will for this!

hat said...

While I cannot deny that the pregnant women have had much more convincing arguments -- I think I can top them... I think I need the t-shirt in order to cover up that big fat tummy which makes people think I am pregnant...