Monday, May 28, 2007

Help Me, Tom Cruise!

Saturday night, Justin rented Talladega Nights, insisting that I had to see it. I waffle on movies centering around former SNL castmembers in totally ridiculous plots. But Justin told me that it was hilarious, and seeing as how I had nothing better to do on a Saturday night, I caved.

The first ten minutes had me gasping for breath - they may, in fact, be the best of the movie. Aside from the hysterical saying grace scene in which Ricky Bobby insists on addressing his prayer to the sweet infant baby Jesus. All in all, it's a pretty good movie.

But the best part was that every one else went to bed and left Justin and me sitting there laughing, repeating the ridiculous lines back to each other. With him in the recliner and me on the couch, the two of us making jokes about our pee pants, I almost felt 16 again. And it was kind of fun, just for the night.

4 cat calls:

penelope said...

Dear Sweet Baby Jesus, watching your Baby Einstein videos...

TN rocks, man. Shake and BAKE.

ashley said...

Hey, man, remember when we got in trouble in biology for playing matchbox cars? Yeah, well, who's retarded now?

mendacious said...

what exactly were you imbibing? i mean uh, besides the sweet intoxication of laughter...

ashley said...

Mendacious, I believe it might be the Elixir of the Deep South. It was a night for getting in touch with my inner redneck.