I must be a glutton for punishment. That's the only way I can figure out that I agreed to pack a bag, drive to Atlanta, and spend two days with my sister and brother. I will be dog-sitting for my sister while the realtor shows her house tomorrow, and then spending the day with Justin, Eva and Dillon. Several of you have inquired about Dillon since I've been home, so I thought I would post a couple of pictures I took when he was here last weekend. He's almost 4 months but already filling out the 6 months clothing. Cute as a button, too. Back on Wednesday.

6 cat calls:
So cute!! I hope the move, etc, is going well for you, I leave in seven weeks, and I am totally bugging out over here. Mainly because everytime I look at the shit have to pack (or add to a yard-sale pile, or the Goodwill bin), I end up going into total avoidance mode. Which, lately, means girly novels and wine. Or chocolate. Well, you get the idea. Anyway -- hope it has all gone well for you!
what a chunk! and of course I mean that in the most endearing way! It's the only time in life, probably, being called chunky and seeing rolls is desirable! Too cute. Sounds like a great time to me. . what else are you going to do with your un-employed self? ;) Have a blast!
Hope you have a great trip! Dillon is so adorable. And he looks SO much like Justin!
That is one cute baby! He's getting so big, so fast!
Andrea - just close your eyes and wing it. That's the best advice I can give. I stayed in the avoidance mode until my parents were leading me down to my car.
On Dillon - the doctor told Eva he was "sturdy." That's the nice word for a fifteen-pound 3 1/2 month old.
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