Thursday, May 08, 2008

Partaking in Air-Fairy Navel Gazing

Pen & M have inspired me to contemplate my navel with the utmost airy-fairyness and get all mystical like - you know, use my inner eye.

So here's what we'll be contemplating. The sign we all claim in bars in response to bad pick up lines is our Sun Sign. For me, that's Cancer, and it's the essence of personality. But you also have other signs - your Moon Sign, which represents your emotional core and your Rising Sign, which is what you present to the world. When I took the *very* scientific test to which you are linked, here's what I got:

Moon Sign - Scorpio
The profound Scorpio - moon has a desire to question everything and get to the bottom of everything. They dispose of a strong will and character. They are hard working, reliable and ambitious; there have also been some notorious criminals, scientific investigators and detectives. There is nothing that remains secret for a scorpion - moon. The more mysterious a person, an area or a task appears the more dedicated the scorpio - moon works on the matter - if necessary half of a lifetime. Many people born under this moon sign can benefit of a "magical" charisma. In communication with others they are firm, almost stubborn, often even harsh and obstinate. In relationships they are passionate and honest as long as their pride isn't hurt, then they can be resentful. Although they like very much exploring the souls of others they give very little away of themselves. Nevertheless they work intensively on the solution of their own problems. Only in emergencies will a Scorpio - moon accepts help from outside.

Rising Sign - Capricorn
Old fashioned and conservative, you carry yourself with dignity. You have a tough exterior, and you can be intimidating when you want to be.

Hard working and ambitious, you can survive in the most cut throat work environments. Outside of work, you are a true friend to everyone in your small inner circle.

You may have had a difficult time earlier in life. Capricorns are late bloomers and you may be coming into your own right now.

So I'm a crab with the soul of a scorpion who looks like a goat to the rest of the world. Sounds about right. As for that bit about coming into my own right now, lud, let's hope so.

5 cat calls:

Niki said...

Ok - I love this stuff. Aries Moon Sign, Taurus Rising Sign (Leo "regular" sign). Too much to put in comments what it all means, but will try to post on blog tomorrow. Fun!

penelope said...

Wow, sounds totally like you, no? Professor Trelawney would be delighted and proud!

mendacious said...

i'm a scorpio moon also. : D...

it sounds like you're coming into your own and i don't even know you. you rock certainly.

Jessica said...

I'm a cancer sun and capricorn ascendant too. i dunno. I don't think either of us are all that dignified to the world, if you don't mind me saying so. Industrious? All right. But not as stuffy as they always make caps appear.

ashley said...

I concur, Jessica. Old-fashioned maybe. Conservative, not really. And intimidating? To whom? Small children, perhaps.