Friday, May 09, 2008

Audaciously Me - Should I Be?

I am loud.

It's true.

My voice is loud. My laugh is loud. And I'm coming to believe that my personality is just a little bit loud, too.

The first day that I worked at The New Job, I remember being able to hear the whir of the ceiling fans. But the other day, my boss mentioned something about my loudness. And then The Rockstar noted that I was the most likely to say something "wildly inappropriate." And the list goes on. (But, really, STGD, I used to be way worse - you really helped me with "that's a bite.")

Now, I hear my voice every time it breaks the quiet. My laugh sounds like a bark - and I find that I try to swallow it unless it's something really funny. (Am I just reflex laughing anyway?) And before I say something, I run it through a filter. I've stopped talking quite so much, requiring me to literally bite my tongue.

When I think about it, I realize that I talk - a lot. There's one girl in the office who's getting married in three months, and I had to ask what her last name is going to be the other day - because I don't know her fiance's name. But when it comes to me, I'm an open book. I guarantee you all of my coworkers could name my family members, several friends and likely my former coworkers (that's you, STGD).

And I this a bad thing? This loud open way that I have? Should I be quieter, listen more, talk less? It's driving my insecurity up a notch or two - and it's rather like this pinup: like finding yourself with your undies around your ankles in the middle of the room. Vulnerable and uncertain, and measuring your steps carefully so you don't end up flat on your face and embarrassed even further.

I don't know if this is me - well, okay, I know it's me. But is it me, or is it a habit I've fallen into? Much like the question I posed in a previous post...should I be more mysterious? Is this an unattractive quality about me and thus something to be refined? Or at the very least, could I give people a reason to wonder what I'm going to say? Instead of just knowing they won't have to wait long for me to say something.

And can I do it? Can I curb this impulse to spit out witticisms and puns and laugh at my own jokes and everyone else's and say everything I'm thinking? I wonder...but I think, nature or nurture, I'm going to take it upon myself to work on shutting me up before someone else tells me to do it.

9 cat calls:

Kurt said...

Hey man, what are you gonna do? - you gotta be you.

ashley said...

You think, Kurt? You're a boy - are loudness, quipping and raucous laughter a turnoff? You must be honest! Don't condemn me to singledom forever, Kurt!

mendacious said...

i'm sure some sense of self-awareness is key but if you do indeed have a scorpio's heart i bet there's much more brooding than you let loose behind those wide, insightful eyes- so give way to the talker, gawfawer in you. i would rather think you should find someone who loves the whole of you and not the more discreet polite version of you... maybe? is that just me? and then they'll be in for a real surprise.:P

jenn said...

I've never really thought of you as a loud person, but maybe that's because I have a tendency to be loud myself and have spent a lot of time around theatre people. :)

You're definitely open, no question about that, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I think it behooves all of us to check what's coming out of our mouths every once in a while, but I don't think you need to worry about your openness. You are lovable just the way you are!

penelope said...

I agree with all so far. You are the person you are, and you are lovely. I don't think to myself, boy that Ashley is LOUD. Yes, you are an open book, but I find it nice that you share so much about yourself and your life and family, and honestly, it encourages me to do more of the same, because I tend naturally to be more reticent. And yes, there's always room for self-awareness and improvement, but don't overthink it. Remember: Good enough, smart enough, people like you. And if they don't, well, probably no amount of biting your own tongue is going to make them come around.

Kim said...

Loud = good.

Ashley = loud.

Kim = loud.

Therefore, Kim = Ashley = good?

I rest my (totally nonsensical) case.

ashley said...

Kim, you are undoubtedly a mathematical genius.

Plus, I can't pretend my whole life, right? I mean, I can only be quiet for so long. I think it's a scientific fact.

Jennifer Walter said...

I've actually never thought
Ashley = loud. Technically, if I were to compare you to the group of BCTC peeps that you were surrounded by when I first met you, I would definitely not classify you as such. That may not be fair though.....You know how those "Theatre People" are. In fact my first impression was probably more one of "mystery".
Even after I got to know you better I'd say your more "open" than loud - I agree with Jenn

tempe & chris said...

Agree with the peanut gallery here, my friend - you gotta be you. And the you that you are is fabulous.