Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Flower Power

So I'm at work, eating my lunch at my desk (lest you think I'm blogging on company time - I am a good girl) and checking out the latest posts on Perez. The Sex & the City movie premiere was last night in London town (sighs), and the ladies showed up dressed thusly:

Everyone is taking potshots at Sarah Jessica Parker for her over-the-top headgear. But, really? I kind of love it. Isn't that what we all thought was awesome about Carrie Bradshaw? That she wore hot pants, white heels and a gold lame belt pack and somehow made it cool? There are a lot of fashions throughout the six seasons that I personally couldn't pull off, but they dared, and that was what made it wonderful. And honestly? Kristin Davis' dress is a snoozefest, and Kim Cattrall looks like she's wearing a red slinky. I'll give Cynthia Nixon props for her clavicle-bearing black dress, but I'm not sure that it accentuates her best features.

All in all, even though I might not rock a giant green flower tower on my head, I give SJP credit where credit is due - she takes the risks and she works the carpet. You don't get to be a fashion icon by playing it safe in basic black.

6 cat calls:

mendacious said...

the dress is spectacular! and the hat compliments. i agree that cynthia made a better daring choice but then again... yah, diff dress... less... bare chested whiteness.. kim cattrell should've gone with blue- and kristen with something like white or pink or perhaps a pattern.

Ruby said...
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Ruby said...

I have to disagree... I think Kim looks nice and that hat is just too much. I know Carrie was all about pushing the envelope fashion-wise, but the head piece is just a litte to wild for my taste. Reminds me of the Mad Hatter.

I agree, however, that Kristen looks blah and Cynthia, whoa. Her boobs look rather low, which I'm sure is just a matter of perspective since you see from neck to belly button. Definitely does not accentuate her best feature, as you said.

jenn said...

Well, I absolutely LOVE SJP's dress, but I have to say that I'm not a fan of the crazy headgear (I think a complementing headpiece is nice with this dress, but the one she has is about three times too big). I'm with you on giving SJP props for the risks she takes, and while she usually manages to pull it off, I think this might have been too much (sorry, but I also don't think that anyone--even SJP--can pull off a gold lame belt pack; some of the stuff she wore on the show was just ridiculous and no one could look good in it, in my opinion).

I'm not a huge fan of Kim's dress, and I actually think Cynthia looks pretty good, though she definitely needs to give those girls some more support! I'll admit that Kristen's a little boring, but I'm a sucker for simpler, classic pieces, so I actually kind of like it. I guess I'll never be a fashion icon. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll never understand the bare neck-to-naval dresses. Does she have a spare bottle of Elmer's in her purse?

I love the ladies, love SJP and she can totally pull off so many things, but that hat. I still say she lost a dare. But--way to make a splash and get people talking!

Andria said...

I didn't mind the hat quite so much when it was just a picture of her, but the absurdity of it is really emphasized in the group shot!