Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Good
*David Gray is likely to have a new album out before the end of the year and he claims it is more like his early work. I am breathless with anticipation.

* Summer hours start at work next week. Hello, 9-to-4 on Fridays!

* Counting Crows are kicking off the Summer in the Park series on Good Morning America on Friday.

* Braves game on Thursday - my first trip to The Ted in almost a decade!

* Getting more and more certain that Dillon's going to be left-handed.

The Bad
* May be in love with a country musician.

* Missed House season finale last night because I am programmed for it to be on Tuesday but, as if the writers' strike wasn't enough, they moved House after it returned. Egads.

* Must work on Friday night. Blech.

* ABC canceled Women's Murder Club. Booooooo!

The Ugly
* My lower back just north of where the good Lord split me, sunburned to the nth degree after weekend yard work. Guess there was a gap between my tank and my shorts.

* My room, scattered with clothes worn over the past three weeks and littered with half-unpacked bags.

* My brain...not a great string of days here in the last 8 to 10

* Envy...the Rockstar heads to Ireland and Spain tomorrow.

* I'm grumpy as hell.

4 cat calls:

penelope said...

David Gray, woohoo!

The first ep of House is on hulu.com! This PSA is brought to you by penelope, who doesn't even watch House, but feels the need to tell everyone about hulu.

Great list, once again.

ashley said...

My friend Sus found the ep for me on surfingthechannel.com. I'm so very, very happy.

David Gray made my grumpy day yesterday. I saw a little interview clip with him, and it was like sweetness and light.

Andria said...

great list!

Summer hours - what an awesome policy to enact!!

So, the last time you were at The Ted, it was actually the original, then and not the newly built. Enjoy the game tonight!

awesome that Dillon will have someone so great to look up to and help him learn the lefty ways.

Glad you found the episode!

My boss just told me about WMC being canceled and I was upset, because I hadn't had a chance to get caught up yet and it's gone!

Good luck with the sunburn!

Kurt said...

The House finale was great, except when he died. That was sad.