Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Questions Unanswered: The Land of Confusion

What did you want to know that we weren't told? Like where is Florean Fortescue?

And what were we told that still has you scratching your head?


ashley said...

What was it that had Voldemort so focused on James and Lily? And how did they "thrice defy" him? It seemed that their occupations were going to give us a clue to this, but then we were never told what they did. I still want to know what made Voldemort think Harry, not Neville, would be the boy mentioned in the prophecy.

Megan said...

Who did magic late in life?

I thought Rowling alluded to a Hogwart's teacher being married, who?

Megan said...

What is the significance of Ron and Hermione's kids' names? Hugo and Rose?

Megs said...

When Snape made the unbreakable vow with Narcissa, was it before or after he and Dumbledore planned Dumbledore's death? All we have for a time reference is that they discussed D's demise while Snape was trapping the curse in his arm.

I'm confused by the moment in which Dumbledore asks if the plan is for Snape to kill him if Malfoy fails and Snape pauses...has he already taken the unbreakable vow? And if so....

Jessica said...

Yeah, exactly -- what was up with Neville? He sort of fades away in this one. I wasn't sure where the sword came from, for one thing, though I guess it was out of the hat -- it flies to the side of any true Griffyndor and all that -- (forgive me if I spelled it wrong)-- but what about the way Newille's folks died?

Megs said...

Oh yeah. My other confusion. So we're led to believe in HBP that Voldemort (I can't stop thinking of him as Voldy since Peeves's little song) wanted to make 7 horcruxes, being that 7 is such a powerfully magical number and all.

So, if Harry was an accident and he didn't know he was making that horcrux, why weren't there 7 others?

The reasons I never believed that Harry was one of the 7 horcruxes were:
1. Why would Voldemort want his enemy to house a piece of his soul?
2. Voldemort wanted to KILL Harry.
3. Voldemort surely had enough horcruxes already.

So, I'm ok with the idea that it happened by accident, and fine with how that made Harry a parselmouth (maybe my favorite word in the series--oooh! can we do a favorite words thread?) and able to see into Voldemort's mind and all, but I still don't see why there wouldn't have been 7 other horcruxes. I'm not ok with it being: the diary, the locket, the ring, the snake, the cup, Voldemort himself...and Harry Potter. If you see what I mean.

Also, can anyone explain to my dense head what the significance of Voldemort using Harry's blood and therefore inheriting some of Lily's protection is? I just don't get it.

ashley said...

The horcruxes are the diary, the ring, the locket, the diadem, the cup and Nagini with the seventh piece of Voldemort's soul residing in his own body. Harry was an accidental eighth horcrux.'s what I think about the blood. The blood doubly bound Voldemort and Harry. Harry housed Voldemort's soul, but Voldemort housed the blood that protected Harry. So even when Harry died to kill the part of Voldemort's soul, he couldn't die because Voldemort still had his blood. Also, Pen said it better like this on Kudzu Jungle...

i had to think long and hard about why harry was still alive after killing voldemort for good, and i THINK it is because when v directed the first killing curse at harry, that severed the horcrux from harry--hence the nasty little scaly baby in the corner at king's cross. dumbledore said that harry's soul was now completely his own. so he was then free to kill v? when he returned to life, he left the baby (v's soul) at the station, literally and figuratively... right?

their blood was still connected at that point because v used h's blood to recreate himself in goblet of fire... but the connection foiled only voldemort, because it meant that he couldn't kill harry; they both must live. except THEN, on top of that, harry was the true master of the elder wand, the most powerful, undefeated wand, so he won the battle in the end--and didn't have to die.

omg, is that right? that took a lot of brain power, and i'm not sure it should have...and i'm still not sure i'm right! anyone?

Megs said...

Thanks, Ashley!

Somebody's Mom said...

Why didn't we learn what happened to Hermione's parents? Did her spell work? Were they thrilled or appalled to learn they had a daughter who was a witch? How could Hermione not have felt competent doing a memory erasing charm at the muggle cafe when she had so recently talked of the memory replacement spell she had done on her parents? And all those other questions... Would love to have watched Percy turn from the dark side. This saying a name and having it lead the dark side to them was a new "technology", given Herione's great skill and knowledge, how wouldn't that have been something she would know about? ok. I'm ranting.... I'll be quiet and center myself now.

0 cat calls: