Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I Cried When...

Kim said...

Sorry, I'm commenting up a storm here. My short(ened) list:

1. When Hedwig died (sniffles)
2. When Dobby died (confused sniffles)
3. When Percy came through the portrait hole (choked back sobs)
4. When Fred died (more choked back sobs)
5. When Snape died (open, ugly howling)
6. When Harry realized he was going to die (back to choking)
7. When his family came out of the ressurection stone (open sobbing)

Curiously, I stopped crying there. Didn't cry at Harry's death-- but I think because I sort of knew he wasn't dead?

Jennifer said...

I also didn't cry at Harry's death, but I think I also knew that he wasn't really dead (or just wasn't willing to accept that he might actually be dead).

I cried the most at Dobby's death. I am just the kind of person who needs to process and I had enough space with that one.

The most tear-inducing moment of all, though, was when Harry's family came out, and particularly when he asked his mom to stay close to him. That was such a beautiful scene. I'm going to cry just thinking about it.

mendacious said...

snape dying.

sure it's probably bcs when i took that sorting hat test i came up slytherin but still. it was specific and clear and not a cliche... and it was nicely done.

Megs said...

Oh god. I cried through the whole thing.

1. The dedication ("and to you, if you have stuck with Harry until the very end.")
2. The epigraph ("Bless the children, and give them triumph now.")

Yes, that is where I began crying.

3. Cried for Hedwig, natch.
4. Cried at Harry's parents' graves.
5. Cried when Ron left; cried when Ron came back.
6. Cried a lot about Luna's bedroom ceiling.
7. Cried when Dobby died (somewhat hysterical at that time).
8. Cried when Percy came back, even though I thought it was a little cheap.
9. Wept while McGongagall arranged the battle of Hogwarts.
10. Cried over Snape's memories.
11. Cried in the King's Cross station over Dumbledore's final words.
12. Cried through most of the final battle...

I was pretty much already crying when we learned of Fred's, Remus's and Tonks's deaths. I'm not excluding them from the tears.

Andria said...

I agree, I was really touched by the dedication!

*Hedwig's death was violent, brutal, sudden, unexpected, senseless and made me mad and cry at the same time!

*Dobby's death was also a complete shock and I was glad we had the time to process it as well.

*I was really touched by Luna's ceiling as well!

*Definitely sobbed as Harry was watching the Snape memories and realizing he had to die. That was the most affecting and emotional for me. I was accepting, but so deeply saddened. And his walk alone back to the forest and being struck down. I didn't doubt that he had actually died and was still crying at point.

I actually didn't cry when Fred died. And I wasn't that affected by it for some reason. I was more sad to loose both Lupin and Tonks, actually. very weird. I would have been an emotional wreck if it had been Mr. or Mrs. Weasley, though.

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