Tuesday, March 27, 2007

All Good Things

* Lunch today on the veranda of Bluewater overlooking the Intracoastal with A., who makes me very proud

* Seeing porpoises in the Intracoastal - two or three of them bumping above the surface with their shiny fins and bottle noses and then tipping under again

* The bright, bright yellow forsythia blooming in the front yard

* The "gas leak" (a.k.a. afternoon loopiness) at the office that lead to me singing "Fathoms Below" from Little Mermaid to a coworker and my inability to put together a coherent sentence (and we only needed the one sentence)

* Kudzu asleep on a throw pillow next to me, making sleeping kitty noises

* A very long good conversation with my mom in which she said all the things I needed to hear

* Windows down, crossing the Memorial Bridge, listening to "Blew Away" by the Smashing Pumpkins

3 cat calls:

Niki said...

1) I'm so jealous that you saw porpoises!! Really, really jealous. Hopefully I'll be living somewhere soon where that might happen...

2) I noticed one of your current "jungle fevers" is "Long Way Around" and I LOVE that song. I watched their documentary Shut Up and Sing and went immediately to buy their cd (I know, lame). It's really good!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect day. I'm not a huge beach person, but you make me wish I was there!

ashley said...

I'm not a huge fan of their vintage stuff, but the Dixie Chicks last two albums have been AWESOME. I have mad respect for them. And that song...well...I'm sure you can relate.