Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Seeing It Both Ways

Half Empty
* I had to get up today at 5:25 to go to the ATL office.
* On my way to meet The Goofball for our ATL trek, the full moon was still out.
* While handling the giant post-it note pad in today's meeting, I accumulated numerous paper cuts.
* I seem to have carried home Dillon's cold, manifesting in slightly stuffy sinuses and a niggling soreness in the back of my throat.
* Tomorrow I have to catch up on all the work that did not get done today or yesterday while I was in meetings.
* I must start thinking about having my taxes done.
* Control top pantyhose.
* Aching lower back from picking up Dillon a lot over the weekend.

Half Full
* After today's meeting one of The Clients asked me if I will be assigned to their account team long term.
* Everyone was in generally good spirits tonight at dinner, laughing easily.
* Rescheduling the daily dosage of The Medicine is helping me to actually sleep at night.
* Tonight is Pro Run.
* Excellent discussion with The Goofball about books to read.
* Tomorrow is THURSDAY.
* Elastic waistband pants
* Mom bought me a heating pad today for my aching lower back.
* Kudzu is snoring.

3 cat calls:

penelope said...

Lift from the knees, girl.

And niggling IS a great word!

ashley said...

Hi, Faydra! Glad you're in the blogosphere. How're things?

(I had a niggling inspiration! :) )

Kurt said...

I just noticed I'm a jungle jim. Nice.

My income this year was $0. Must I file a return?