Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Are You a Donkelephant?

Because we'd like to rock the vote in our own way, Kim and me have started the new blog, Swing State. As a public service to you, dear readers, we will be posting what we know, what we'd like to know, and what we'll never find out about the candidates in this election year. In this election year - the first in a very, very long time (I heard when on the radio but can't recall...) that an incumbent is not in the running - the word CHANGE is the one to be pronouncing loud and clear at the podiums. We agree. Change is necessary. But for the right kind of change, you must have strategery or your mission will fail. We want to help, so that you can feel confident about your exit strategery when leaving the polls. Please check in for the on-going nonpartisan discussion of all things political from two of the least political people you will ever meet. Because if you're voting for American Idol, you should be voting for the president. We totally don't want to end up with a Taylor Hicks situation in the White House.

5 cat calls:

penelope said...

I think it's a great idea. Good for you! I'm looking forward to it, and to being, ermm, more socially responsible. Yeah.

jenn said...

I'm so there!

hat said...

Fantastic endeavor! I'll try to tolerate the Republican arguments & will try to keep vehemence and disgust out of my comments.

tempe & chris said...

Awesome idea!

ashley said...

Bring on the vehemence and disgust, HAT! I really want to see that side of you! :)