Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Crux of the Matter

More Harry Potter goodness! The fifth question from Scholastic centers around the location of the horcruxes. I'm a little surprised the where question is preceding the what question - as in, what are the horcruxes? No multiple choice answers this time around, so the conjecture is all open ended.

We anticipate that Harry will be traveling to Godric's Hollow early in the book, and Rowling has pretty much confirmed that Godric's Hollow is somehow connected to Godric Gryffindor. We may not find a horcrux there, but I think we might find out what one is. And I expect Luna may be the source of information about the Ravenclaw artifact. Hufflepuff's cup is anyone's guess, although I've begun to wonder if the U.K. cover is a Gringott's vault. As to Slytherin's locket, most people have puzzled out that it may be mentioned in OOTP and therefore is likely to reside at Grimauld Place with everyone's favortie Kreacher. As for Nagini, well, she's withVoldemort, although, I question whether Dumbledore might be off on that guess, depending on whether or not we find a living thing can be a horcrux. (Which we will probably see Harry ferret more information out of Slughorn.) And as to whether or not Harry himself is a horcrux, that's a whole separate discussion entirely. We shall see...

Also, I just want to pose the question about the cover art - is Harry's scar gone? It's so prominently depicted on the other covers but is conspicuously either missing or very downplayed here.

Lastly, a post script on the fourth question - the Harry/Hermione choice is outpacing any of the other suggested relationship at a whopping 60% with more than 125,000 votes. Those are some dedicated (if a bit deluded) readers.

2 cat calls:

Cue said...

When does this book come out, again? Soon, I hope? The suspense is killing me!

Andria said...

ok, I definitely need to get cracking on re-reading! I feel so lost. eek!