Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Reading Lesson

In the library's new fiction section:

Me (pointing to a title on the shelf): Does that say My Friend Whore?

Mom (pulling the volume off the shelf): No, it says My French Whore. (Pause.) It's a love story.

8 cat calls:

Kim said...

All the best love stories involve French whores. Or, at least, they should.

tempe & chris said...

...and to think, when we were in school, they pulled the V.C. Andrews books off the shelves because of their "questionable" content. The times, they are a-changing (or maybe a-whoring?)...

Andria said...

Of course. With a title like that what else could it be about?!
I think you should reiterate here that this is the library at the Primary school (K, 1-3 grades!) whew! the things our kids are exposed to these days, at such a young, tender age.

ashley said...

No, no, no! This was at the regular public library!

Andria said...

oh, thank goodness! I know school is out, but I guess I thought she was still at school for some reason (not sure now why) sorry!

ashley said...

No problem. I just didn't want anyone to be unable to sleep because of the frightening implications this would have for the education system.

Anonymous said...

One time I was talking to a certain detective on the phone and I said about 20 sentences, in the middle of which were the words "MFA coordinator."

His response: "Did you just say FAKE WHORE?"

He only heard those two syllables.

ashley said...

I've never thought about that but it does sound like "fake whore." Would that make the post more or less attractive if that were the actual title?