Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sweet Cheeks

Another trip to Crazy J for me this afternoon and now I'm sporting color he considers his "best tonal match ever" on me and a cut inspired by Tara Conner, fallen Miss USA, because, well, she may be a tramp but after seeing her on Good Morning America today, Crazy J decided I needed her bangs.

As we neared the end of our visit and Crazy J was weilding the blow dryer and fingering through my hair, I noticed that I was making a funny face. And I couldn't stop. I started to laugh and told Crazy J why. "Model cheeks, honey," he said. "Ninety percent of the women whose hair I cut can't help but get the model cheeks. And it's always during the styling." He went back to blow-drying and I went back to cheeking. And when he finished, I really gave him the face and he said, "I know, girl. You look good."

2 cat calls:

hat said...

Ooohhh, I try that all the time, except my cheeks have disappeared a long time ago. They had to move out when the Chins moved in. Sigh.

ashley said...

Ah, HAT - I bet Crazy J could pull the cheeks out of you! :)