Monday, February 12, 2007

Ain't It the Truth?

Seen tacked to the door of a surgeon with whom I had a meeting this morning:

Phases of a Project
1) Enthusiasm
2) Disillusionment
3) Panic
4) Search for the guilty
5) Punishment for the innocent
6) Praise and honor for the non-participants

I copied this down while pretending to take copious, detailed notes.

5 cat calls:

Anonymous said...

So true, so true.

Andria said...

why were you meeting with a surgeon? Is something going on we should be worried about? or was s/he just a client?

Anonymous said...

Wow. Awesome.
What phase are we on for the TPR brochure, do you think?

ashley said...

No worries - it was a client meeting. I couldn't help but think of my $2,500 mistake (see October archives) when I read this.

Coworker, I'm pretty sure we're hovering perpetually between search for the guilty and punishment of the innocent. Agreed?

Anonymous said...

That sounds about right. And somehow, we will be deemed both innocent AND guilty, so that we may be punished twofold.