Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just Doing My Job

At work and currently thinking about

* The enormous gathering of dust and Kudzu hair I noticed under the bookcase this morning

* Needing stamps to mail bills that will drain my bank account

* A second cup of coffee at 11:11 a.m.

* Lunch at downtown hotel which inevitably consists of scary stuffed chicken and vegetable medley

* Dirty car

* Weekend to-do list (dishes, floors, bathroom, clothes pile, blogging, real simple catchup, figuring out how to wear a headband without looking 14)

* Spending too much money last weekend

* Gary Jules "Mad World"

* Going back to bed

Update: I was just reminded that I am also thinking about how much I love my graphic designer, S.

4 cat calls:

mendacious said...

embrace electronic transfer... just think of the longterm savings on accumulated postage. ooo.

i am also making my weekend list.

Anonymous said...

Were you at any point thinking about how the invoices need to be flat before they are placed in your box?

ashley said...

Folded papers are such a bother.

Jennifer Walter said...

Thank you for inspiring me to clean out my car. I'm ashamed at how cluttered it was. When I reached into the depths of the glove compartment I found an email from you dated May 1999. I guess I printed it out because it had directions to your parent's house. My first visit to W-ville. Whoa! Flashback. Folded up with the directions to your house, I also found email directions to a certain unnamed "Stipe look-alike" college friend's house...I remember how much you didn't like him. I'm sorry your emails were touching for so long. :) The situation has been remedied.

Now onto emergency decluttering of the house...Mom is coming for a visit! Aargh!!