Thursday, February 15, 2007


I had a dream last night about reading Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows. My brother and I were both reading copies in separate rooms, and I was really mad that he'd somehow gotten ahead of me. In my dream, Ron died. I don't remember how, but I remember there was a funeral scene. And whatever Justin was reading ahead of me was making him cry. And for Justin to cry over a book, it would have to be uber-sad.

I've been saying all along that the Weasleys were going to have to lose one. But I didn't think it would be Ron. Perhaps I've gotten in touch with my inner eye...

2 cat calls:

Kim said...

Ron? No... I just don't see it. Although I'm going to be peeved if the two "major" characters are Snape and Voldemort. Not that they're not major... they're just so... obvious.

Hey, do you think there are any major HP characters that you wouldn't really care if they DID die? I'm thinking I don't really care that much about Luna...

ashley said...

Kim!! I love Luna! I don't think she'll kill Luna because she has said numerous times that Luna is one of her favorite characters.

Much as I love Lupin, I kind of think he might bite it. (Ha! Bite it! Get it? He's a werewolf...ah, sigh.) Anyway, I would be said, but I think I'd be kind of expecting it.

And Tonks. Not hugely attached to Tonks. But,oooh, even as I write that, I feel AWFUL!