Thursday, November 09, 2006

Studio Save Me

I just heard that Studio 60 has been saved by the NBC network execs and a full season has been ordered - 22 episodes. NBC prez Kevin Reilly is standing behind the show, keeping it in its Monday night time slot and declaring that he thinks the show will find its viewership. I think he must be watching and feels like he ought to be noble and live up to what the show is suggesting. Or maybe my letter had some effect. Whatever the reason, this is the best thing that's happened this week - I was worried that I might have to end my affair with Bradley Whitford. So Studio 60, in the words of Tim Gunn, carry on!

3 cat calls:

penelope said...


ashley said...

I feel like I've been handed a free pass or something. Like disaster averted. Hallelujah!

Andria said...

sweet! thanks for sharing. I think it's a great show and I'm glad it's sticking around.