Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fed-eral Matters

Amidst the earnestness of election day, the rallying cry of democracy rising from the monumental political machine, I thought it important that someone post about Britney Spears filing for divorce from that charming, well-dressed model citizen Kevin Federline. You know she breathed a big ol' backwater Southern sigh of relief that her handlers hollered we want pre-nup. And let this be a lesson, ladies. Pink track suits on your bridesmaids is apparently bad luck. (Brilliant Fed Ex photo courtesy of Perez Hilton.)

6 cat calls:

penelope said...

Wow, I'm so sad. I mean it.

And, not that the world thought they were going to last 4-evah anyway, but I totally called that she just wanted a few babies, and KFed would be sent on his merry way. Although, why she didn't choose some better genetic material remains a mystery.

ashley said...

Seriously! I mean, Justin Timberlake doesn't seem like the kind of guy to leave a trail of babymamas behind him, but their offspring would've been way, way more beautiful and fabulous than the Federspawn.

Kim said...

Oh, that guy makes me feel so gross. If I ever met him in person, I would probably feel like he was groping me with his eyes.

mendacious said...

"You know she breathed a big ol' backwater Southern sigh of relief that her handlers hollered we want pre-nup."... that's a brilliant sentence. i'm pulling my kanye out right now... (he) get your money! oh yes indeed. bcs he's a gold digger- way over town.

and seriously- this is WAY more important than some stodgey election.

Anonymous said...

do you think k-fed's own mother loves him?

ashley said...

Word is the prenup is AIRTIGHT and KFed won't be getting anything other than a 50/50 split of the house. He better hope his mama loves him - he may be living at home before long...