Thursday, September 06, 2007

What Dreams May Come: Part 2

Yesterday morning, I dreamed that I was on the phone with my friend from college, Jenny Ray. I haven't talked to her in quite some time. As dreams do, this one faded away as the morning wore on and I went about the habits of everyday living.

I drove to Atlanta yesterday for Justin's birthday and because I had to be in the Atlanta office today. On the way there, I was thinking that I should use the time to catch up with someone, and I remembered the dream and thought I should call Jenny Ray. But someone else called, and then I arrived at Justin and Eva's and it was forgotten. Until after dinner when I noticed I had one missed called and a voicemail on my cell: from Jenny Ray.

3 cat calls:

ashley said...

A P.S. to Jenny Ray if you're reading - I will call you back this weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is just getting creepy now. Cool, yes, but slightly creepy.

Jennifer Walter said...

I'm hearing the Twilight Zone theme in my head as I type this. Last weekend I made a mental list of people that I needed to give a call this week. You were definitely on that list. I tried to call Tues. night, but I had your old number. So last night I called "Mama H" to get your updated digits and then gave you a ring. Too crazy to believe, I know. Maybe we are "kindred spirits"... just like Anne and Diana?! Maybe we're psychics. Or maybe we should just call each other more often.