Saturday, July 05, 2008

29 Candles

At the firm, emails go out notifying everyone of individual birthdays. As a general practice, if I remotely know the person having a birthday, I send a quick email with well wishes. I assume that in the Atlanta office, much of this well-wishing is done in person with greetings passed off cube-side or from the office door.

On Thursday, since we had yesterday off for the 4th, an email went out with an early announcement of mine and one other birthday. I secretly anticipated the onslaught of emails and quick calls of birthday wishes. Instead...I got nothing.

Of the 60-plus people firm-wide, I heard from five. Just five. The Exotic wished me well as she left; The Rockstar said, "So when is your birthday?" as he left. The Boss and The Goofball gave no acknowledgment whatsoever.

I sat at my desk, willing a few more phone calls or emails. Nothing came. On top of that, I got in an argument with The Goofball - one that gave me that shuddery I-could-almost-cry feeling because I was so irate.

I waited and waited. I was so irrationally frustrated and hurt by the neglect that I stayed at the office until almost six (when I could've gone home at 4:30) because I just couldn't get up and walk out of the office and keep it together. As I passed The Boss' office, he wished me a good 4th.

When I got to the car, I sat for a moment in the stifling heat and gave into the lump in my throat. And when I got home, no Jack Ryan in sight to make it all better.

6 cat calls:

penelope said...

Aw, man!! Poor you, having your birthday on the damned holiday weekend. That is such a bummer. At least you don't have to go to dinner with the Ryszczyk's?

Happy birthday from ME! xoxo.

mendacious said...


i've watched all these higherups get sung too with a cake and candles and company acknowledgement and all us lesser beings pass by unacknowledged. i feel part covert op, part heel. either way. no fun.

jenn said...

How awful! What is wrong with them?!? It seems so unlike the people at your office. . . perhaps they were distracted by daydreams of barbecues and fireworks.

We will all just have to help make up for it.

Kurt said...

Last year, I got one card.

ashley said...

Oh, no, Kurt! Remind us next year, and the blogosphere will band together to make sure that's not the case.

Thanks for all the good wishes - I have to say...I knew my blog friends would give me a pick-me-up.

Tempe said...

Man, that is just crappy! Well - know that we LOVE you here and celebrated the day of your birth with great fanfare!

Happy, happy birthday!