Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tidy Blog

So, for whatever reason, it's really been annoying me that the Post-Potter Blog was just kind of hanging out there. Abandoned. Sad. It annoyed me to see it on my dashboard. And in the sidebar. So in an effort to keep things neat and tidy (and keep the OCD in check) I have added Post-Potter to the annals of Kudzu Jungle. You can find it (if you're so inclined) by searching the tag "Post-Potter Blog."

And the photo blog? That I was supposed to finish in December? Yeah, well, it went the way of the dodo, too. Let's face it. You're forced to look at my photos enough here - why would you go elsewhere.

But please don't forget Swing State. Yes, I've been remiss in posting, but Kim's friend Matt has been soldiering on, so there's still political wonderfulness to be had.

Thank You,

1 cat calls:

penelope said...

Ah. Cleaning up, consolidating, always feels like such a weight off. Good idea.