Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Today in the office:

The Rockstar: Hey, Ashley. I met a girl this weekend.

Me: Really?

The Rockstar: Yep. I met a girl, and I made it happen.

Me: How so?

The Rockstar: Well, we talked about it on the way down to the gig. And we visualized it - like that Oprah book The Secret. We wanted a big crowd that was into the show, and two cute dark-haired girls.

Me: Wow. You unlocked the secret.

The Rockstar: We saw it. And it happened.

Me: I'll work on visualizing my novel.

2 cat calls:

Kurt said...

I keep visualizing a world in which Oprah stops telling everyone how to live their lives, but it's not working.

ashley said...

Kurt - possibly the best comment ever. Thank you.