Thursday, December 27, 2007

Threesdays: Radio Here

* "This NPR program is brought to you by Widespread Panic..."

* "The Paul Young Fan Club will be meeting on Saturday at the Applebee's across from Gwinnett Place Mall..."

* DJ: "I can't believe you sat in the Wal-Mart parking lot in your boxers."

Caller: "I didn't know it was her. I thought I was texting my girlfriend."

DJ: "And what did her mother do when she pulled up next to you?"

5 cat calls:

mendacious said...

sounds pretty salacious for NPR... let's go back to those better days when texting didn't mean so much and when the radio didn't induce panic. i hear the word politic or tragedy and i start twitching and turn it to classical music.

Kim said...

What? I sit in the Wal-Mart parking lot in my uns all the time! I thought it was kind of the thing to do...

Kurt said...

I don't understand.

Cue said...

But I love Widespread Panic! (hee.)

ashley said...

I just love that NPR is brought to the ATown by Widespread Panic...only in ATown...