Sunday, August 19, 2007


Nine hours from now, I will be on the way to the new job. I know where to park. I know where my office is. And I know the name of the girl who sits at the front desk. Everything else is a little fuzzy. Biggest concern: what will I do for lunch tomorrow?

4 cat calls:

penelope said...

Why is what you're going to do for lunch always such a nagging worry the first few days of a new job?? Seriously, I'm getting queasy just imagining it. I guess it's just not feeling comfortable yet, not knowing what's customary yet, not knowing the peeps yet. All in due time, though, all in due time.

Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful first day!

Lunch is one of those things I am always most worried about on my first few days, too. Do people go out, or do they bring their lunch? Do they eat at their desks or together in the break room? It's like middle school all over again. . . you don't want to get stuck eating lunch by yourself. Hope your lunch today was perfectly anxiety-free! :)

ashley said...

I am pleased to report that they took me out for lunch - almost the whole office. I felt very special.

penelope said...

Wow!! Sounds like a great place so far, however nerve-wracking the first moments, days, weeks are. Yay!