Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Rest for a Weary Soul

Frost Chapel sits up on a hill overlooking Berry's mountain campus. I'm a little rusty on my history, but I think it was built in the early 1900s. For me, it is a sacred place. It is a place where I feel most spiritual, most calm, and always, always at home.

I made one of my regular pilgrimages to Berry last week, and I couldn't resist driving up to the old chapel to wander around for a little inner peace. The stones themselves have a particular smell to me - and it's like inhaling serenity. And for the few moments I stood on the steps looking through the archway and over the mountains, all the outside noise - and the interior noise, too - seemed far below me. And the quiet was just perfect.

5 cat calls:

Ruby said...

How very lovely.

tempe & chris said...

What a beautiful campus! I can see why you enjoyed your years there as a student!

mendacious said...


laura said...

ashley- frost is one of the most wonderful places in the entire world. thanks for the pictures, i could use a day there to think right now.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I miss Berry SO much right now. What I wouldn't give for a night up at Berry with all my old friends, talking and laughing under the stars.

P.S.--You did a gorgeous job with the pictures!