Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Plague Upon Both Your Houses

Friday at midnight, Dillon started throwing up. He went through all the sets of crib sheets they own, six pairs of pajamas, eight towels and two outfits by the time we arrived at 2 p.m. on Saturday to provide back up to the bedraggled parents.

Sunday at midnight, I started throwing up. Mom followed behind me two hours later. By the time the two of us had called into work on Monday, Eva joined our happy number. And then Justin, too. I was upright for approximately 10 minutes yesterday. Mom and I alternately moaned, threw up, shared the heating pad for all our aching joints, made blackly comedic remarks, and grew increasingly more dehydrated. Must be my annual weekend for dehydration.

In the past forty-eight hours, I have eaten one cracker, one single-serve Mott's applesauce, a piece of toast and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which I ate too fast because I was starving and had to take a nap to keep down). I have missed two days of work - a feat unsurpassed since I was in college - and therein have missed both a company outing and a big awards presentation for my boss at The Fox Theater in Atlanta.

The doctor thought Dillon had rotavirus. I think it's the plague. Please observe the biohazard sign we've hung over the house and keep at a safe distance.

11 cat calls:

mendacious said...


Anonymous said...

OH NO! That sounds like such a nightmare. I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Kurt said...

That was going around the large American city where I live, and I got it myself. Ugh.

tempe & chris said...

Ugh. No fun at all. Get well and get rest.

penelope said...

OMG. The Death Sick! You got the Death Sick! It made its way to GA! I'm so sorry for you and your whole fam. MISERY! It will be over, um, relatively soon...

laura said...

the only good thing about rotovirus is that it happened to dillion while he was still in diapers. (if it hit that end!) i am so sorry you got the plague too. it is awful. so very very awful. we have been there. don't want to go back! hope you are starting to feel better.

Jennifer Walter said...

Oh I'm so sorry. I had rotavirus as a kid. I personally don't remember but I've heard the stories and they ain't pretty.
I hope all are feeling better soon.

Andria said...

yuck. even the picture on the link made my stomach churn! good luck, hope you are recovering by now! I'm sure your work appreciates you not being there to contaminate them, though!

ashley said...

I am pleased to report that I am once again among the living. Thanks for all condolences.

Pen, I have to say, I thought of you and the wretched Death Sick and knew that we must be suffering the same fate. It really is the most incapacitating thing I can remember lately.

And Dillon is still struggling with the diarrhea, bless his heart, but is going to the doctor again tomorrow.

Please, Death Sick, don't ever, ever come back.

penelope said...

I'm sure that's what you had. I know of at least a few cities its made its way to, and within those places, it just spreads so easily and quickly.

Of course, I am quite sure I am responsible for infecting the state of Connecticut, if it's going around up there.

Glad you're all getting over it. Especially Dilly--there is just nothing more pitiful than a sick baby.

hat said...

Am so glad you only had to miss two days of work! Am truly sympathetic, but am slightly envious you got to be home to while experiencing something like that. Thank God you're all better!