Monday, July 31, 2006

Happy Birthday, Harry

Revealing my total inner-dork, I give you this happy birthday post for Harry Potter. And for all you Potterphiles out there, I ask you a few of the magical world's most burning questions:
* Who else was in Godric's Hollow the night James & Lily died?
* Will we see Sirius's motorcycle again - perhaps with Harry riding it?
* Snape - good or evil?
* Harry - dead or alive?
* How many copies will Bloomsbury run on the initial print of book 7?
* When will they find a way to work Colin Firth into one of these movies?
* Am I too old for this?

(Don't answer that last question.)

6 cat calls:

Kim said...

Oh, my gosh, you have me peeing my pants right now. PEEING them! There's a girl at work who has never read the books so I had her listen to them on CD, and now she is obsessed. I pointed out to her the locket scene in book five, and her mind was blown.

We will NEVER be too old for Harry Potter!

We will, however, be way too dorky for regular society.

Ruby said...

I almost sent text messages to Andria, Katie and Niki yesterday wishing them a Happy Harry Potter's Birthday. Fortunately, I refrained... but I had the thought, none the less. Hmmm. Inner dork lives here too.

Andria said...

I just finished #4. I'm waiting to retrieve #5 from Greg's mama this weekend. Some of these questions are beyond my full understanding at the moment, but many of them I know are not known even after reading the most current, so I don't feel too lost. Nik gave away something last week before thinking about it, too. I'm so glad I haven't had to wait between books, I can't imagine!

penelope said...

We should all get together and drink pumpkin juice, I feel. Maybe make a rock-hard birthday cake like Hagrid would.

ashley said...

Hey, Kim - remember when YOU were the girl who'd never read the books? Ha ha. But I have CONVERTED YOU!!!

ashley said...

Also, JK is in town to read with Stephen King and John Irving, and she says of the book's end that some people will love it and some will loathe it, but that's to be expected. What does this mean??