Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, STGD!

Happy birthday to STGD, my super powerful cosmic twin, armpits sweating and rosacea in full bloom! With his discerning eye for aesthetics and the kind of mad skills that would never require a cover letter like this, he's the best graphic designer on the planet - even Perezzers thinks so! His rapier wit is always entertaining (by which, I mean, clutch your side and gasp for breath), and his tender heart makes for an ever present help in trouble - like when you're barfing in the bushes in rural South Carolina. May you have the best of birthday, my fierce gay husband!

Much Love & Cleavage,

P.S. For your birthday, I got you this tiny paper tuxedo and a weekend trip to the Inner Banks.

3 cat calls:

stgd said...

Thank you so much for the shout out! You forgot about our mushy butt moles! Lets see if you get googled for "mushy butt moles" Love you!

Susan said...

We weren't allowed to sing to him today. No cake either. (His rules.) But Jen and I brought him beer to make it a little festive. I think you should come visit as a belated birthday present! Miss you.

the barrister said...

Happy Birthday, Shawn. We checked out your shed on Monday. It's nice.