Saturday, January 03, 2009

A Pretty Good Year: Resolutions

* Take a deep breath during perfect moments and really live them.

* Apologize less for being me.

* Accept my limitations.

* Let go of the past - learn from it, but know that the present and the future are where I can exercise the most control.

* Get my stupid passport already.

* Be hopeful and believe that good things exist for me.

* Write more - and write earnestly. It's time to stop holding to insecurities and just do it.

* Welcome Reese into the world with all the love I have to give.

* Embrace happiness without reservation. Love without fear. And relentlessly seek to be at peace with myself.

4 cat calls:

penelope said...

A great list. Cheers. :)

Kurt said...

Get that passport! What if you're playing guitar around a campfire and a man invites you to go with him to South Africa the next morning, but you don't have a passport. It happened to me!

ashley said...

I'm quite determined this year, Kurt. I mean, honestly. I'm almost (*gasp*) 30, so it's time. I might need to do some globetrotting - I need the proper tools.

Anonymous said...

i will possibly ... possibly be traveling to south east asia at the end of next year if you're at all interested... maybe jan 0'10.

heh : )

love your resolutions. and you. you're pretty cool too.