Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Where Ya Been?

* Driving around town with a combination of saran wrap, masking tap and garbage bags covering my window

* Coordinating, with careful precision and much switch-a-roo of vehicles, the replacement of the window

* Taking pictures

* Worrying through Dillon's trip to the emergency room after a fall

* Being introduced by Anna to free, highly addictive, mindless online games

* Helping Mom take care of the Ranger cat's teeth

* Trying not to read/see/overhear Sex & the City spoilers

* Having two suspicious moles removed from my back and getting a 76th diagnosis on the persistent itchy rash

* Pondering the reality that Usher's new song (which features Young Jeezy) is really called "Love in This Club" and the lyrics do actually say, "I want to make love in this club" and "I'll be like your medicine, you'll take every dose of me." Plus there's the invitation to do it in the club bathroom. Romantical. I thought it was spoof the first time I heard it.

* Drinking beer with management Friday afternoon at 3 during BITF (Beer in the Fridge)

* "Graduating" from leadership class - a bit sad, actually

* Talking to STGD about seeing him this weekend at the lake

* Babysitting the Dilly Monster

* Keeping Anna company after a particularly trying week

* Forgetting to email people

* Getting stuck reading a book I can't seem to finish

* Eating Italian Cream Cake

* Making to-do lists

* Waiting for the Dems to pick a candidate already

* Not blogging. Oops.

5 cat calls:

Kurt said...

I get persistent itchiness in the summer as well. It's different things in different places. Depending on what it is, you may need an antifungal cream, a steroid cream, or a good lotion.

ashley said...

I have an almost-absurd new regimen. Please see my latest post.

mendacious said...

well at least we know now. though i'm not sure about the rash. are there certain types of people to get rashes or do they befall anyone at anytime?

jenn said...

Wondered where you've been. I've fallen out of the blogging universe, too, the past week. Oops.

jenn said...

P.S.--Have a superfun weekend at the lake!