Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Arsenal

Here's the arsenal to combat the very persistent itchy rash on my upper chest and back:

*Benadryl taken before bedtime to get some antihistamine and alleviate the itching
* Erythromycin (a.k.a. pills the size of horse tranquilizers) twice a day to fight infection
* New soap - Cetaphil Antibacterial, which is what dermatologists recommend for babies

Post-shower with the new soap and before bedtime, apply...
* Sulfur-based lotion to reduce the inflamation
* Prescription-strength hydrocortisone to keep the itching down to a minimum

Diagnosis? Dry itchy skin scratched a lot leads to inflamed hair follicles which get infected...all exacerbated by getting hot and sweaty.

The good news is I am not alone. My Cosmic Twin is using the same soap, taking the same antibiotic and applying sulfur-based lotion for his skin woes. Dermatologist nightmare, activate!

5 cat calls:

mendacious said...


what sort of horrid thing has befallen you, egad!?

is there chocolate and wine involved?

penelope said...

Yowza, I'm itchy just thinking about it! Sounds wretched, especially in the heat of the summer.

Kurt said...


ashley said...

I think I might be sporting a distant cousin of leprosy. Yes, the itchiness of it maddening. I'm trying not to scratch, but as the dermatologist told me, "Good luck with that."

jenn said...

Oh, dear! Hope your arsenal of weapons is enough to get rid of it once and for all!