Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Word of the Day: Manicorn

Brought to you by my dear friend Ellie and the Urban Dictionary:

a mythical male creature who is successful (read: pursuing his passion and can pay his electric bills/rent), funny, chivalrous, masculine (read: not chauvinistic), adventurous, artistic (read: not suicidal).

See any John Cusack film (or Chuck Klosterman's witty commentary on Fake Love in Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Pops), any romantic comedy where the flawed guy comes through in the end...

"Where is my manicorn? I keep going out with all these losers!"

"Too bad I settled when I got married, I just met my manicorn."

3 cat calls:

penelope said...

I cannot stop laughing. Loves it!

Kurt said...

But how could you have just met your manicorn if manicorns are mythical creatures?

mendacious said...

can i say, brills.

ok i did. and it felt really appropriate.

kurt, manicorns do exist, i dream of mine like, everyday.