Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why So Scrunchious?

I understand that Olympic competition isn't about vanity. As noted by Nik, the swimsuits tend to make the women look, well, less than feminine. And let's face it - there's zero room for boobs at the Olympic games. But one thing I don't the scrunchy.

I know the gymnasts have to keep their hair out of their eyes. Whether for sheer aerodynamics or because a stray wisp will cost them a one one-hundredths deduction. But that's what hairspray is for. Don't have any? See the US Men's Gymnastics team.

The use of the scrunchy as an instrument of severe hairstyling doesn't even make sense. Back in fourth grade when I wore these - hey, hey, they were acceptable at the time - they were rather loose fitting and I always had to wear a rubberband under them. The scrunchy was simply for aesthetics.

And though I don't condone the millions of barrettes dotting the scalps of the competitors, I can see how these clips would keep the hair at bay. But the scrunchy - oh, odious scrunchy! Why dost thou plague the Olympians?

I find myself particularly surprised by the US athletes sporting them. Somehow, I can convince myself that in Eastern Europe, scrunchies are still partying like it's 1999. In China? Maybe it feng shui to wear a scrunchy. But in the good ol' U.S. of A.? I know it's simply not done. Low marks for the fashion faux pas.

9 cat calls:

penelope said...

I totally agree! I found myself quite vexed last night watching the ladies, with the scrunchie distracting my viewing experience. Yes, for other countries, fine. It's 1988, whatever, do what you will. But the ladies of the USA I feel should be a bit more cutting edge. They must have to pin the thing in with a million bobby pins, to boot, or perhaps some well-placed staples. Who wants to worry about that shit coming apart? And I'm really surprised a lot of them are wearing ponytails, anyway. What about the bun? It's classy, it's practical. What gives.

See the men's team for hairspray, hee.

Ruby said...

I agree! (How funny that I was just noting the bazillion barrettes last night too!)

If they are after some sort of adornment, why not a ribbon wrapped around the ponytail holder? That would be attractive, stay out of their face AND not make us get glassy eyed remembering fourth grade.

Kurt said...

I haven't noticed the scrunchies. But the swimmers sort of look like aliens from the front. They provide those little photos of them when they flash their name to remind us that they're still human, but they're too small.

Jessica said...

i was just thinking that last night! The Chinese girls' "my hair is held in place by 49 metal clips at odd angles" strategy isn't much better. In fact I have to say that it's more distracting, anyway. But what really annoyed me last night was the gymnastics announcer guy. On the swimming side, you got a lot of "it's AMAZING HE'S-MOVING-IN-SO-CLOSE-THIS-GAP-3-SECONDS-9-SECONDS-TEN-MINUTES-BEATING-WORLD-RECORD!!!!" breathlessness, but on the gymnastics side? Some girl does a beautiful, incredible, astonishing feat in mid-air and the first words out of his mouth are "off-side, that's a huge mistake, that's going to cost her blah blah." He's totally obsessed with POINTS and winning. Which made me think about it..that's not what i like about the olympics. And further more, I don't want to see only the Chinese & Americans compete. What about the Russians? And whoever the fourth place folsk were? Do we not care because we're so obsessed with winning? Doesn't anyone just want to watch and marvel at their accomplishments anymore? Bah humbug. Thanks for leteting me vent!

Kim said...

I was noting that as well! I kind of thought they should have slapped some stirrup pants on over those bizarre second-skin gymnastics onesies and just called it a day.

penelope said...

Omg, Kim, they're totally onesies, aren't they.

Anyway, I also wanted to discuss the downright bizarre selection of music I've been hearing in the background these games. Walk Like an Egyptian (which I love, but still)? Cotton-Eyed Joe? I mean, is this an all-out Retro USA party over in China these games, or what.

ashley said...

Pen, the music is pretty terrible. I've been especially amazed at what they've played during beach volleyball - including playing Europe's "Carrie" today after Keri Walsh scored. Yelch.

Niki said...

I *almost* wrote about the scrunchy, but I felt like I was being too negative already, so I left it out. I agree - totally acceptable in my mind for the Chinese, but the American girls should know better!

The only thing I can come up with is that it's a little more "flair" and ribbons may come loose a lot more easily. STILL. ENOUGH WITH THE SCRUNCHY!

jenn said...

Ha ha! Just the other night I was talking to someone about my complete inability to understand the continual inclusion of scrunchies in women's gymnastics. Why, oh why?